Weebly | An Accidental Cause That Became One of the Most Sought-After Web Host in the Digital World

Weebly is a platform for free web hosting and web design services. It is a freemium website creation co-founded by David Rusenko, Chris Fanini and Dan Veltri in 2006. Weebly is simply the result of a college project wherein students were required to create a web portfolio. Thus, the three created software that helped students design their own personal website for free.

Weebly has a wide array of 100-page design templates and multimedia applications that can cater to a diverse set of users. Photo galleries, slideshows, maps, videos, and audio files can be easily integrated. Weebly users can conveniently alter appearance of their Weebly website simply by dragging and dropping widgets to their desired place on the web page.

Additionally, web contents can be managed using Weebly website or using Weebly’s iPhone application that can be downloaded via iTunes’ App Store. Also, Weebly users can choose to monetise their web pages using Google AdSense and easily track visitor statistic through Weebly’s tracking platform or via Google Analytics.

Furthermore, Weebly offers the easiest way to get your website up and running in very little time and effort. Weebly is recognised as one of the most prominent web hosts in the digital universe. Despite its very competitive space, Weebly is still gaining more users on a daily basis. They are progressively updating their system and tweaking their core software to relay a full proof functionality and application.

The Best Way to Get Started with Your Online Page with Weebly

If you are looking into selling something online, be it a service, homemade product, music, design skills, just to name a few. It is best to start with something that will not require you to pay an ample amount of money. Weebly can be a platform to test run your business of the branding works, or if there is a potential market for what you are promoting. Hence, banking time and effort with Weebly to start your online business is a wise choice. Weebly has almost 70 different store templates you can choose from, and they are all free. All of the templates cater to different taste and style. It is strategically designed to attract and entice the techy savvy generation. The features are beaming with modern astonishing and eye-catching designs that typically fits the preference of this generation.

Moreover, it is also convenient for users to change their theme if they want to tackle a different direction in accordance with their new branding image. Users can do this without redoing the whole website. Simply use the same domain name or use Weebly sub-domain within your web address. Although this feature is not as reliable and robust in comparison to its competitors, Weebly is striving to develop the software for better user experience and consumers convenience.

Weebly Competing Brands

Wix, Simvoly, and GoDaddy are the forefronting web hosts in this field of a feature. These hosts have more selection in terms of template designs and other special features. The only advantage Weebly has is its quick and easy maneuvers for those who are managing a website without experience in web design and other technicalities.

Building a site with Weebly, as was mentioned, it is a drag-and-drop function. Simply choose from Store, Settings, Help, Pages, Build, Theme, and Apps blocks buttons whilst building your site with Weebly.These are vital areas one needs to look and decipher to efficiently create a website. The publish button rendered in blue is spoonfed to execute the intended feature. It is also a breeze adding videos, audios, text boxes, maps, images, and other media on Weebly. Although free users do not have the luxury to upload audio and videos directly, they can be uploaded as a file. Paying users are indulged in polls, surveys, forums, and RSVP’s just to name a few perks.

It all sounds quick and easy –  and it is. But lets look at some of examples.

The website above was built in weebly. First major problem is its performance – due to plenty css files and js issues it loads really poorly achieving 24/100 in Google Pagespeed insights .This is well below average and the website is marked as slow. Moreover – due to the “closed” infrastructure you can’t change almost anything! Page builder is easy to use but it is also limiting the possibilities and it is hard to build a website as per design using something like weebly. Last thing – forget about any intergations or custom solutions. You wont be able to access website files which is again  very limiting especially for an e-commerce website.

We do not recommend Weebly – well if you are on a very low budget and you want to build something quickly – fine. However, do not expect miracles.